Monday, November 10, 2008

Doo, ikaga and To

Question words : Doo and ikaga
Both doo and ikaga mean "how." They are used to ask about conditions of a thing
or a person. Ikaga is more polite than doo.

1. Hidari no me wa doo desu ka.
"How is your left eye?"
2. Nihongo no benkyoo wa doo desu ka.
"How is the study of Japanese?"
3. Nagoya daigaku no shokudoo wa doo desu ka.
"How is the cafeteria in Nagoya University?" or
"How do you like the cafeteria in Nagoya University?"

Particle : To
To connects two or more nouns and means"and." It never connects two or more
adjectives, verbs, etc.

1. Ruin san to Arisu san ga kimashita.
"Mr. Lwin and Alice san came."
2. Ruin san to Arisu san wa sakanafuraiteeshoku to sarada o tabemashita.
"Mr. Lwin and Alice san ate sakanafuraiteeshoku and salad."

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