Sunday, November 30, 2008

I. Set phrase : Onegaishimasu

A. 0negaishimasu is used to ask someone to do something, without stating clearly what he/she is asked to do, if the action to be taken is clear from the context or the situation.

1. Sakae made onegaishimasu. (to a taxi driver)
"Please take me to Sakae."
2. Denwabangoo o onegaishimasu. (to a person filling in a form)
"Please write your telephone number."
3. Clerk : lrasshaimase.
4. Customer : Onegaishimasu.
(handing the clerk money and a deposit bankbook)
"Please take care of this."

B. 0negaishimasu is also used to attract attention of clerks, cashiers,etc., before asking them to do something.

A : Onegaishimasu.
"Excuse me."
B : Hai.
A : Kore o onegaishimasu.
"I'll take this one."
B : Hai,200 en desu.
"200 yen, please."

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