Sunday, November 30, 2008

V. Particle : Ni

Two of the usages of ni are introduced here.

A. Ni in "Kore ni otokoro to onamae o kaite kudasai." in the fourth line, Dialogue 7-1 indicates the place where something is to be written or filled in. It belongs to Group 1 particles.
1. Kono kanji o nooto ni kakimashoo.
"Let's white this kanji in the notebook.
2. Kokuban ni namae o kaite kudasai.
"Please write your name on the blackboard."

B. Ni in "Raishunu tori ni kimasu." in the eighth line, Dialogue 7-2, shows purpose. This ni follows a verb base. A verb following ni must be the verb showing motion like going, coming, etc.

1. Kinoo wa eega o mi ni ikimashita.
"I went to see a movie yesterday."
2. Sensee ni ai ni kimashita.
"I came here to meet my teacher."
3. Gohan o tabe ni shokudoo e ikimasu.
"I'll go to the cafeteria to eat a meal."(Lit.)

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